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Table Name Description
ALL_CONS_COLUMNS Information about accessible columns in constraint definitions
ALL_CONS_OBJ_COLUMNS List of types an object column or attribute is constrained to in the tables accessible to the user
DBA_CONS_COLUMNS Information about accessible columns in constraint definitions
DBA_CONS_OBJ_COLUMNS List of types an object column or attribute is constrained to in all tables in the database
USER_CONS_COLUMNS Information about accessible columns in constraint definitions
USER_CONS_OBJ_COLUMNS List of types an object column or attribute is constrained to in the tables owned by the user
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Column Name Description
AUTHORIZATION_CONSTRAINT (DBA_PROXIES) Indicates the proxy's authority to exercise roles on client's behalf
AUTHORIZATION_CONSTRAINT (USER_PROXIES) Indicates the proxy's authority to exercise roles on client's behalf
CONSTRAINT_NAME (ALL_CONSTRAINTS) Name associated with constraint definition
CONSTRAINT_NAME (USER_CONS_COLUMNS) Name associated with the constraint definition
CONSTRAINT_NAME (ALL_CONS_COLUMNS) Name associated with the constraint definition
CONSTRAINT_NAME (DBA_CONS_COLUMNS) Name associated with the constraint definition
CONSTRAINT_NAME (DBA_CONSTRAINTS) Name associated with constraint definition
CONSTRAINT_NAME (USER_CONSTRAINTS) Name associated with constraint definition
CONSTRAINT_TYPE (DBA_CONSTRAINTS) Type of constraint definition
CONSTRAINT_TYPE (USER_CONSTRAINTS) Type of constraint definition
CONSTRAINT_TYPE (ALL_CONSTRAINTS) Type of constraint definition
CONS_TYPE_NAME (DBA_CONS_OBJ_COLUMNS) Name of the type that the column is constrained to
CONS_TYPE_NAME (USER_CONS_OBJ_COLUMNS) Name of the type that the column is constrained to
CONS_TYPE_NAME (ALL_CONS_OBJ_COLUMNS) Name of the type that the column is constrained to
CONS_TYPE_ONLY (USER_CONS_OBJ_COLUMNS) Indication of whether the column is constrained to ONLY type
CONS_TYPE_ONLY (DBA_CONS_OBJ_COLUMNS) Indication of whether the column is constrained to ONLY type
CONS_TYPE_ONLY (ALL_CONS_OBJ_COLUMNS) Indication of whether the column is constrained to ONLY type
CONS_TYPE_OWNER (USER_CONS_OBJ_COLUMNS) Owner of the type that the column is constrained to
CONS_TYPE_OWNER (ALL_CONS_OBJ_COLUMNS) Owner of the type that the column is constrained to
CONS_TYPE_OWNER (DBA_CONS_OBJ_COLUMNS) Owner of the type that the column is constrained to
R_CONSTRAINT_NAME (ALL_CONSTRAINTS) Name of unique constraint definition for referenced table
R_CONSTRAINT_NAME (DBA_CONSTRAINTS) Name of unique constraint definition for referenced table
R_CONSTRAINT_NAME (USER_CONSTRAINTS) Name of unique constraint definition for referenced table
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