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Keyword: LINK

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Column Name Description
APPLY_DATABASE_LINK (ALL_APPLY) For remote objects, the database link pointing to the remote database
APPLY_DATABASE_LINK (ALL_APPLY_CONFLICT_COLUMNS) For remote objects, name of database link pointing to remote database
APPLY_DATABASE_LINK (ALL_APPLY_KEY_COLUMNS) Remote database link to which changes will be aplied
APPLY_DATABASE_LINK (DBA_APPLY_KEY_COLUMNS) Remote database link to which changes will be aplied
APPLY_DATABASE_LINK (DBA_APPLY_INSTANTIATED_OBJECTS) For remote objects, the database link pointing to the remote database
APPLY_DATABASE_LINK (DBA_APPLY_DML_HANDLERS) For remote objects, name of database link pointing to remote database
APPLY_DATABASE_LINK (ALL_APPLY_DML_HANDLERS) For remote objects, name of database link pointing to remote database
APPLY_DATABASE_LINK (DBA_APPLY) For remote objects, the database link pointing to the remote database
APPLY_DATABASE_LINK (DBA_APPLY_CONFLICT_COLUMNS) For remote objects, name of database link pointing to remote database
DB_LINK (DBA_DB_LINKS) Name of the database link
DB_LINK (SYN) Database link referenced in a remote synonym
DB_LINK (DBA_SYNONYMS) Name of the database link referenced in a remote synonym
DB_LINK (USER_DB_LINKS) Name of the database link
DB_LINK (ALL_SYNONYMS) Name of the database link referenced in a remote synonym
DB_LINK (ALL_DB_LINKS) Name of the database link
DB_LINK (USER_SYNONYMS) Database link referenced in a remote synonym
MASTER_LINK (DBA_SNAPSHOTS) Database link name to the master site
MASTER_LINK (USER_SNAPSHOTS) Database link name to the master site
MASTER_LINK (DBA_MVIEWS) Name of the database link to the master site
MASTER_LINK (USER_MVIEWS) Name of the database link to the master site
MASTER_LINK (ALL_MVIEWS) Name of the database link to the master site
MASTER_LINK (ALL_SNAPSHOTS) Database link name to the master site
REFERENCED_LINK_NAME (ALL_DEPENDENCIES) Name of dblink if this is a remote object
REFERENCED_LINK_NAME (USER_DEPENDENCIES) Name of dblink if this is a remote object
REFERENCED_LINK_NAME (DBA_DEPENDENCIES) Name of dblink if this is a remote object
TYPE_LINK (USER_ARGUMENTS) Database link name for the argument type in case of object types
TYPE_LINK (ALL_ARGUMENTS) Database link name for the argument type in case of object types
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