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Column Name Description
BREAK_TRANS_TO_MASTERDEF (DBA_REPEXTENSIONS) YES if existing masters partially push to masterdef, NO if no pushing
MASTERDEF (DBA_REPEXTENSIONS) Master definition site for replication extension
MASTERDEF (ALL_REPSCHEMA) Is the database the master definition site for the replicated object group
MASTERDEF (DBA_REPSCHEMA) Is the database the master definition site for the replicated object group
MASTERDEF (DBA_REPSITES) Is the database the master definition site for the replicated object group
MASTERDEF (USER_REPSCHEMA) Is the database the master definition site for the replicated object group
MASTERDEF (USER_REPSITES) Is the database the master definition site for the replicated object group
MASTERDEF (ALL_REPSITES) Is the database the master definition site for the replicated object group
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