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Keyword: OF

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Table Name Description
ALL_DIM_CHILD_OF Representaion of a 1:n hierarchical relationship between a pair of levels in a dimension
DBA_DIM_CHILD_OF Representaion of a 1:n hierarchical relationship between a pair of levels in a dimension
USER_DIM_CHILD_OF Representaion of a 1:n hierarchical relationship between a pair of levels in a dimension
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Column Name Description
NUMBER_OF_BINDS (DBA_OPERATORS) Number of bindings associated with the operator
NUMBER_OF_BINDS (USER_OPERATORS) Number of bindings associated with the operator
NUMBER_OF_BINDS (ALL_OPERATORS) Number of bindings associated with the operator
NUMBER_OF_OPERATORS (ALL_INDEXTYPES) Number of operators associated with the indextype
NUMBER_OF_OPERATORS (USER_INDEXTYPES) Number of operators associated with the indextype
NUMBER_OF_OPERATORS (DBA_INDEXTYPES) Number of operators associated with the indextype
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