home - keyword index


Objects accessible to the user

Column Name Description
CREATED Timestamp for the creation of the object
DATA_OBJECT_ID Object number of the segment which contains the object
GENERATED Was the name of this object system generated?
LAST_DDL_TIME Timestamp for the last DDL change (including GRANT and REVOKE) to the object
OBJECT_ID Object number of the object
OBJECT_NAME Name of the object
OBJECT_TYPE Type of the object
OWNER Username of the owner of the object
SECONDARY Is this a secondary object created as part of icreate for domain indexes?
STATUS Status of the object
SUBOBJECT_NAME Name of the sub-object (for example, partititon)
TEMPORARY Can the current session only see data that it placed in this object itself?
TIMESTAMP Timestamp for the specification of the object

home - keyword index

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