All fine grained audit event logs
Column Name | Description |
CLIENT_ID | Client identifier in each Oracle session |
COMMENT$TEXT | Comments |
DB_USER | Database username who executes the query |
EXT_NAME | External name |
OBJECT_NAME | Name of the table or view |
OBJECT_SCHEMA | Owner of the table or view |
OS_USER | OS username who executes the query |
POLICY_NAME | Name of Fine Grained Auditing Policy |
SCN | SCN of the query |
SESSION_ID | Session id of the query |
SQL_BIND | Bind variable data of the query |
SQL_TEXT | SQL text of the query |
TIMESTAMP | Time of the query |
USERHOST | Numeric instance ID for the Oracle instance from which the user is accessing the database. Used only in environments with distributed file systems and shared database files (e.g., clustered Oracle on DEC VAX/VMS clusters) |