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Audit trail entries relevant to the user

Column Name Description
ACTION Numeric action type code. The corresponding name of the action type (CREATE TABLE, INSERT, etc.) is in the column ACTION_NAME
ACTION_NAME Name of the action type corresponding to the numeric code in ACTION
ADMIN_OPTION If role/sys_priv was granted WITH ADMIN OPTON, A/-
AUDIT_OPTION Auditing option set with the audit statement
CLIENT_ID Client identifier in each Oracle session
COMMENT_TEXT Text comment on the audit trail entry. Also indicates how the user was authenticated. The method can be one of the following: 1. "DATABASE" - authentication was done by password. 2. "NETWORK" - authentication was done by Net8 or the Advanced Networking Option. 3. "PROXY" - the client was authenticated by another user. The name of the proxy user follows the method type.
ENTRYID Numeric ID for each audit trail entry in the session
GRANTEE The name of the grantee specified in a GRANT/REVOKE statement
LOGOFF_DLOCK Deadlocks detected during the session
LOGOFF_LREAD Logical reads for the session
LOGOFF_LWRITE Logical writes for the session
LOGOFF_PREAD Physical reads for the session
LOGOFF_TIME Timestamp for user logoff
NEW_NAME New name of object after RENAME, or name of underlying object (e.g. CREATE INDEX owner.obj_name ON new_owner.new_name)
NEW_OWNER The owner of the object named in the NEW_NAME column
OBJ_NAME Name of the object affected by the action
OBJ_PRIVILEGE Object privileges granted/revoked by a GRANT/REVOKE statement
OS_USERNAME Operating System logon user name of the user whose actions were audited
OWNER Creator of object affected by the action
PRIV_USED System privilege used to execute the action
RETURNCODE Oracle error code generated by the action. Zero if the action succeeded
SESSIONID Numeric ID for each Oracle session
SESSION_CPU Amount cpu time used by each oracel session
SES_ACTIONS Session summary. A string of 11 characters, one for each action type, in thisorder: Alter, Audit, Comment, Delete, Grant, Index, Insert, Lock, Rename, Select, Update. Values: "-" = None, "S" = Success, "F" = Failure, "B" = Both
STATEMENTID Numeric ID for each statement run (a statement may cause many actions)
SYS_PRIVILEGE System privileges granted/revoked by a GRANT/REVOKE statement
TERMINAL Identifier for the user's terminal
TIMESTAMP Timestamp for the creation of the audit trail entry (Timestamp for the user's logon for entries created by AUDIT SESSION)
USERHOST Numeric instance ID for the Oracle instance from which the user is accessing the database. Used only in environments with distributed file systems and shared database files (e.g., clustered Oracle on DEC VAX/VMS clusters)
USERNAME Name (not ID number) of the user whose actions were audited

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