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Keyword: DDL

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Table Name Description
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Column Name Description
DDL_HANDLER (ALL_APPLY) Name of the user specified ddl handler
DDL_HANDLER (DBA_APPLY) Name of the user specified ddl handler
DDL_NUM (DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS) Order of DDLs for creating the object.
DDL_NUM (USER_REPDDL) Order of ddls to execute
DDL_NUM (ALL_REPDDL) Order of ddls to execute
DDL_NUM (ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS) Order of DDLs for creating the object.
DDL_NUM (USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS) Order of DDLs for creating the object.
DDL_NUM (DBA_REPDDL) Order of ddls to execute
DDL_TEXT (ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS) DDL string for creating the object or WHERE clause for snapshot query.
DDL_TEXT (DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS) DDL string for creating the object or WHERE clause for snapshot query.
DDL_TEXT (USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS) DDL string for creating the object or WHERE clause for snapshot query.
LAST_DDL_TIME (USER_OBJECTS) Timestamp for the last DDL change (including GRANT and REVOKE) to the object
LAST_DDL_TIME (OBJ) Timestamp for the last DDL change (including GRANT and REVOKE) to the object
LAST_DDL_TIME (ALL_OBJECTS) Timestamp for the last DDL change (including GRANT and REVOKE) to the object
LAST_DDL_TIME (DBA_OBJECTS) Timestamp for the last DDL change (including GRANT and REVOKE) to the object
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